3.32.2 - May 2, 2019 ==================== - Fix remembering printer settings (#138) - Fix fuzzy incognito mode icon in hidpi (#257) - Add search button and allow type to search on history dialog (#632) - Fix critical deleting URLs from history dialog (#691) - Fix crash changing reader mode preferences (#706) - Fix many actions being disabled by mistake in incognito mode (#724) - Fix password manager asking to remember passwords when disabled (#725) - Close history dialog on Escape (#728) - Fix crash during Safe Browsing update (#736) - Unfullscreen automatically when web process crashes (#752) - Fix markup appearing in search provider results - Fix a search provider crash - Fix password manager crash on certain websites - Fix password manager autofill when form has no username - Fix tab bar context menu reopen closed tab action crash and sensitivity - Fix websites opening file choosers under flatpak - Fix searching for bookmarks in top bar