libchamplain 0.12.14 (2016-07-06) ================================= Stable release Changes: * Add support for horizontal map wrapping (Marius Stanciu, Jonas Danielsson, Jiří Techet) * Make the number of parallel connections of network tile source configurable (Mattias Bengtsson) * Remove Mapquest map source as the tile server is not accessible any more (Nayan Deshmukh, Jiří Techet) * Remove Maemo-related code (Jiří Techet) * Fix small memory leaks (Marius Stanciu) * Bump libsoup dependency requirement to 2.42 and drop deprecated function calls (Nayan Deshmukh) * Various minor improvements, fixes, depreciaton warning removals and cleanups (Nayan Deshmukh, Marius Stanciu, Mattias Bengtsson, Jiří Techet)