2.45.70 (unstable): Glib: * C++11: Add move operations to ObjectBase and Object. (Murray Cumming) * C++11: RefPtr: Make methods noexcept. (Murray Cumming) gmmproc: * C++11: Generate move operations. (Murray Cumming) * C++11: IOChannel: move operations: Call the base sigc::trackable. (Murray Cumming) * C++11: Markup: Add move operations (Murray Cumming) * C++11: More use of = delete instead of private copy operations. (Murray Cumming) * C++11: Use std::stoul instead of strtoul. (Murray Cumming) Documentation: * Update configuration for Doxygen (Daniel Elstner) * Exclude bogus documentation symbols. (Daniel Elstner) * Generate documentation for API all platforms. (Daniel Elstner) 2.45.52 (unstable): Glib:: * C++11: Glib::ObjectBase, Object, Interface: Add move operators. (Murray Cumming) * C++11: Mark all _CLASS_OPAQUE_REFCOUNTED classes as final. (Murray Cumming) Gio: * FileIcon: Remove unncessary IMPLEMENTS_INTERFACE. (Murray Cumming) gmmproc: * _CLASS_GOBJECT(): Generate move operations. * _CLASS_INTERFACE(): Generate move operations. * _CLASS_BOXEDTYPE_STATIC(): Add move operations. * _CLASS_BOXEDTYPE_STATIC: Add explicit copy operations. * _CLASS_OPAQUE_COPYABLE(): Add move operations. * _CLASS_OPAQUE_COPYABLE: Generate static swap(). * _CLASS_OPAQUE_REFCOUNTED: Use = delete for the default constructor. (Murray Cumming)