Major changes in 3.17.2: * Fix window focus issues when starting nautilus (Carlos Soriano) * Fix handling of command line options in diferent cases (Carlos Soriano) * Decrease the padding on list view (Carlos Soriano) * Use a dialog for creating folders (Georges Basile Stavracas Neto) * Use a dialog for renaming files (Carlos Soriano) * Allow F5 and ctrl+r as shortcuts for refresh the view (Carlos Soriano) * Make the zoom slider the preference itself (Carlos Soriano) * Allow opening with a different app than default for multiple files (Carlos Soriano) * Fix view scrolling when selecting with ctrl + mouse (Georges Basile Stavracas Neto) * Don't always make the sidebar visible on start (Antonio Fernandes) * Allow opening folders with another app (Carlos Soriano) * Show Delete Permanently on systems that does not support Trash (Carlos Soriano) * Add Alt shorcut for opening * Fix some icons sizes inconsistency (Cosimo Cechi) * Add public API documentation for Nautilus extensions (Cosimo Cechi) * Add a gsetting to toggle recursive search (Felipe Borges)