Major changes in 2.23.6 are: * Support transferring files with reserved FAT characters to a FAT file system Replace them with an underscore if neccessary * Use x-content/* MIME type to associate applications with hotpluggable media * Path bar * enable control-left click and middle-click interaction for path bar buttons * dynamically handle hierarchy changes in the path bar * Icon view keyboard navigation * Use linear selection instead of rectangle selection in when pressing shift * Still offer rectangular selection when pressing ctrl and shift * Only wrap around horizontally in horizontal layout mode, * Only wrap around vertically in vertical layout mode * Never wrap around when in rectangle selection * Icon view now remembers last position when reloading in vertical layout * List view: Do not request mass redraw when dragging * Clear display name when changing file name * Only show "... All" actions ("Skip All", ...) in file operation dialogs if more than one file is transferred * Identify to GNOME session as file manager, not as generic desktop application