========== Version 2.16.2 released ========== 2006-11-20 Raphael Slinckx * deskbar/handlers/files.py: Workaround bug #366973, if opening a file fails because it is executable or for any other reason, open the parent directory instead 2006-11-20 Raphael Slinckx * deskbar/ui/About.py: Close bug #368576, add encoding description to About.py 2006-11-20 Raphael Slinckx * deskbar/ui/cuemiac/CuemiacItems.py: Finally fix the gettext stuff from the below two commits. 2006-11-17 Francisco Javier F. Serrador * deskbar/ui/cuemiac/CuemiacItems.py: Reverting due a gettext lateral error. 2006-11-17 Francisco Javier F. Serrador * deskbar/ui/cuemiac/CuemiacItems.py: Fixed #355278: Mark arrays with _() on access to make them appear translatable. 2006-10-30 Raphael Slinckx * deskbar/DeskbarApplet.py: * deskbar/ui/About.py: * deskbar/ui/DeskbarPreferencesUI.py: Use the correct screen for preferences windows 2006-10-30 Raphael Slinckx * deskbar/ui/cuemiac/CuemiacTreeView.py: Workaround for bug 359251, print an error on console when it happens 2006-10-30 Raphael Slinckx * deskbar/DeskbarHistory.py: fix for bug 366763, keyboard navigation of history in bottom panel was reversed 2006-10-30 Raphael Slinckx * configure.ac: * deskbar/DeskbarApplet.py: Remove obsolete warning on configure.ac Cleanup the middle-click explanation of the middle click bug 2006-10-30 Raphael Slinckx * deskbar/ui/cuemiac/CuemiacAlignedWindow.py: Fix the closing of popup window with f4 causing a lot of errors because of the delete-event being emitted 2006-10-29 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen * deskbar/handlers/files.py: Apply fix for bug 353428. Deskbar fails to open a file with national characters in its name.