version 3.1.1 ------------- New features and user visible changes: * Added ability to load and save WebP images. * Allow to specify the format options when saving a file (can be disabled). * Save and restore the window maximized state, the filterbar status, the visited locations history and the viewer sidebar status. * Image viewer: use the dark background by default, and use a more neutral color instead of black. * Video viewer: save and restore the volume level. * Read system bookmarks from XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gtk-3.0/bookmarks. Fallback to ~/.gtk-bookmarks if the new file is not found. (#675401) * Use XDG_CACHE_HOME/thumbnails as thumbnail cache. Fallback to the old ~/.thumbnails directory if the new directory doesn't exists. * File list: align the caption to the left and use a smaller font. * Browser: show loading errors in the info bar instead of using a modal dialog. * Added automatic completion to the category entry. * Rotation tool: allow to rotate an image from -180 to 180 degrees. * Selections: allow to cut the files. * Added a menu item to hide/show the file properties. * Print: set a good default filename for the print-to-file operation. * Enhance colors: use a faster algorithm and rename to "Adjust Contrast". * Equalize histogram: use a faster algorithm. * Desaturate tool: added ability to choose the method to use, renamed to "Grayscale". * Removed the format chooser from the file dialog. * Added an high resolution application icon. * Add an application menu if used with GNOME Shell.