2015-09-22 Murray Cumming 1.30.0 2015-09-18 Pedro Albuquerque Updated Portuguese translation 2015-09-18 Murray Cumming C++11: More use of auto. 2015-09-18 Murray Cumming C++11: xml_utils: Some use of auto. 2015-09-18 Pedro Albuquerque Added Portuguese translation 2015-09-18 Pedro Albuquerque Added Portuguese translation 2015-09-18 Pedro Albuquerque Added Portuguese translation 2015-09-18 Pedro Albuquerque Added Portuguese translation 2015-09-18 Pedro Albuquerque Added Portuguese translation 2015-09-14 Anders Jonsson Added Swedish translation 2015-09-14 Anders Jonsson Added Swedish translation 2015-09-14 Anders Jonsson Added Swedish translation 2015-09-14 Anders Jonsson Added Swedish translation 2015-09-14 Anders Jonsson Added Swedish translation 2015-09-14 Murray Cumming Remove CommandLineThreadData because it is completely unused. 2015-09-10 Murray Cumming Dialog_FieldDefinition: Show self-triggering lookups as grayed-out. This gives the user some clue. I would like to explain why it is grayed out, in a tooltip, but I don't think GTK+ allows that. Bug #754641 (m.rick.mac) 2015-09-10 Murray Cumming Another slight code simplification. 2015-09-10 Murray Cumming Slight code simplification. 2015-09-10 Murray Cumming Use property_whatever() instead of set_property("whatever"). The code was probably like this to handle alternative versions of the gtkmm API, long since forgotten. 2015-09-09 Murray Cumming ComboBox_Relationship: Fix a typo in a null check. 2015-09-08 Murray Cumming Build: Disable use of yelp if --disable-documentation was used. Until now it was just used to disable generation/installation of the libglom API reference documentation. This should apparently be useful on MacOS: https://trac.macports.org/ticket/44616 2015-09-08 Murray Cumming ComboBox_Relationship::set_relationships(): Remove unused parameters. 2015-09-07 Murray Cumming Dialog_FieldDefinition: Don't offer a self-triggering lookup. Document: Add get_relationships_excluding_triggered_by(). Dialog_FieldDefinition::set_field(): Use it to avoid offering a relationship in the list of lookup relationships if the relationship has the actual field as its from field, because that would be a self-triggering relationship (endless). Ideally, we would have some way to show the user why they don't see the relationship in the list, but at least we will prevent them from doing this. The previous commit checks for this too. Bug #754641 (m.rick.mac) 2015-09-07 Murray Cumming Document::get_lookup_fields(): Prevent endless self lookups. For instance, if a field uses a lookup (to set data into itself) whose relationship uses that field itself as the from field. That would cause the lookup to trigger the lookup again, endlessly. Bug #754641 (m.rick.mac) 2015-09-07 Murray Cumming Fix a typo in a comment. 2015-09-07 Murray Cumming C++11: LayoutFieldInRecord: =delete the copy/move operations. 2015-09-01 Murray Cumming Use std::strfime() instead of strftime. 2015-09-01 Murray Cumming Avoid unnecessary c_str() calls. 2015-09-01 Murray Cumming Remove unnecessary c_str() calls. 2015-09-01 Murray Cumming C++11: Use std::sto*() instead of strto* and ato*(). Avoiding the need to use std::string::c_str(). 2015-09-01 Murray Cumming PostgreSelf: Remove the version number parsing methods. Because they are not used. (In the previous commit I ported these from Glib::Regex to std::regex just as a way to learn about the std::regex API and to make sure that I can bring back working code if I need this again.) 2015-09-01 Murray Cumming C++11: Replace Glib::Regex with std::regex. Annoyingly: * the std::regex API can't just give us a vector of matches. * It lets us iterate through the matches, but not with a range-based for loop. * We have to iterate over sub-matches. I guess it could be useful to know what top-level strings are being used. * Iterating doesn't work normally because the first (0) sub match is really the full parent match. 2015-08-29 David Evans Use std::endl instead of std::cerr where std::endl was meant. Bug #754294 2015-08-24 Murray Cumming lambdas: Capture by reference. In these cases, the lifetimes of the captured variables are appropriate. 2015-08-21 Murray Cumming C++11: Use a to_utype() template method instead of static_cast. As suggested in Item 10 of Effective Modern C++ by Scott Meyers. 2015-08-21 Murray Cumming C++11: Use scoped enums (enum class). This showed a real problem with a || check in csv_parser.cc. (not my code.) 2015-08-20 Murray Cumming C++11: Some use of noexcept on simple methods. And added some missing override keywords that I noticed along the way. 2015-08-20 Murray Cumming Some use of noexcept. 2015-08-20 Murray Cumming Replace std::shared<>(new) with std::make_shared<>. This is generally safer and more efficient. 2015-07-21 Murray Cumming Update some comments. 2015-07-21 Murray Cumming Combo_FieldType: Remove an unused predicate class. 2015-07-21 Murray Cumming Utils: Replace predicate_UsesRelationshipHasRelationships. Replace with find_if_uses_relationship(), using a C++11 lambda. 2015-07-20 Murray Cumming test_document_load_translations: Replace predicates with lambdas. 2015-07-20 Murray Cumming Document: Replace predicateItemAndHintEqual Replace with find_if_item_and_hint_equal(), which uses a C++11 lambda. 2015-07-20 Murray Cumming Base_DB: Replace predicate_LayoutItemIsEqual with find_if_layout_item_is_equal(). Using a C++11 lambda. 2015-07-20 Murray Cumming Document: Replace predicate_Layout with find_if_layout(). Using a C++11 lambda. 2015-07-20 Murray Cumming LayoutItem_Field: Replace predicate_LayoutItem_Field_IsSameField with function. Replace with find_if_layout_item_field_is_same_field(), which uses a C++11 lambda. 2015-07-20 Murray Cumming Field: Replace Predicate_FindIfSameName with find_if_same_name(). The code is then much shorter. I didn't really need C++11 to create this templated function but it is nicer to use a lambda instead of a predicate object. This is also less versatile than the predicate, which could be used with non-shared_ptr container elements. 2015-07-20 Murray Cumming C++11: Encoding: Use a lambda instead of a predicate object with std::find_if. 2015-07-19 Murray Cumming C++11: Replace throw() with noexcept. 2015-07-19 Murray Cumming EggSpreadTableDnd: Replace use of deprecated gtk_style_context_set_background. Replace use of gtk_style_context_set_background() in the _realize() vfunc with use of gtk_render_background() in the _draw() vfunc. This is based on the _draw() implementations in similar GTK+ containers such as GtkGrid.