2016-03-10 Murray Cumming 1.28.7 2016-03-10 Murray Cumming Box_DB_Table_Definition: Actually use on_default_formatting_apply(). This lets people actually change the default field formatting again, fixing bug #763348 (m.rick.mac) This seems to have been broken since 2013-10: https://git.gnome.org/browse/glom/commit/glom/mode_design/fields/box_db_table_definition.cc?id=2bb23a44 2016-03-10 Murray Cumming show_help(): Use gtk_show_uri() with a help: URI. This seems to actually work. I don't think it worked for a while after something changed about how GNOME does help files or IDs. This fixes bug #763250 (m.rick.mac) 2016-03-10 Murray Cumming UiUtils::show_report_in_browser(): Pass the GdkScreen to gtk_show_uri(). 2016-03-10 Murray Cumming Fix the build. 2016-03-10 Murray Cumming Add TODO to use std::to_string() instead of stringstream. 2016-03-10 Murray Cumming get_text_for_gda_value(): Use setprecision() on the stringstream. To avoid losing precision when representing a GdaNumeric value as a string. And check this in test_field_file_format(), though a direct test too would be better. This should fix bug #763229 (m.rick.mac) 2016-03-10 Murray Cumming glom_python_call(): Use gi.require_version() to get a specific Gda version. 2016-03-10 Murray Cumming Python tests: Output any unexpected python error message to std::cerr. 2016-03-10 Murray Cumming glom_python_call(): Whitespace for clarity. 2016-03-10 Murray Cumming Build: Set GLOM_LOCALEDIR from localdir, as set by configure. Like generated po/Makefile.in.in file does, to decide where to instal the translation files. Instead of guessing it based on the prefix, causing us not to show the translations when staring in appropriate locale. Bug #761372 (m.rick.mac) And this fixes the 3 test cases that have been failing for me for a while.