1.13.3: 2010-02-03 Michael Hasselmann Fixed a crash that got uncovered by the previous commit * glom/libglom/utils.cc (build_sql_select_fields_to_get): Warn about layout items that are null and skip them. 2010-02-03 Michael Hasselmann Added a guard clause when adding relationships from fields * glom/libglom/utils.cc (add_to_relationships_list): If an invalid layout item is passed then its relationship cannot be queried. Libglom users can also force layout item fields that are null into this function, hence an additional guard clause was added. 2010-02-02 Murray Cumming Do not include pygtk.h * glom/libglom/python_embed/py_glom_record.h: * glom/libglom/python_embed/py_glom_relatedrecord.h: * glom/python_embed/glom_python.cc: Include pygobject.h instead of pygtk/pygtk.h, because we do not use anything from pygtk, or link to it. 2010-01-31 Murray Cumming Command-line parsing: Added some checks. * glom/main.cc: Test the command-line argument filepath for existence and check that it's not a directory, so it fails before even showing UI. 2010-01-31 Murray Cumming Relationships Overview: Avoid GTK+ warnings. * glom/mode_design/relationships_overview/dialog_relationships_overview.cc: Constructor: Call add_accel_group(), which fixes the warnings during destruction mentioned in bug #607938. 2010-01-31 Murray Cumming Relationships Overview: Maybe fix a hang/crash. * glom/mode_design/relationships_overview/dialog_relationships_overview.[h|cc]: Signal handlers: Take sigc::bind() RefPtr parameters by value instead of by const &, to avoid having to use sigc::ref() or worry if it works. Save sigc::connections in a list so we can disconnect signal handlers when deleting items bound with sigc::bind(). Do this in the destructor too, which seems to fix the valgrind errors in bug #594737, though not the instance of invalid non-instantiatable type" warning. 2010-01-27 Michael Hasselmann Fixed the parser to perform stateless async file operations * glom/import_csv/csv_parser.[h|cc]: The parser relied on a member variable for its async giomm operations, which was able to cause interleaving state changes to it, corrupting the object in the worst case. This commit uses the source object as a slot parameter to avoid this state problem (working around BGO bug #608269). * tests/import/utils.[h|cc]: During import tests, break mainloop on file read errors (e.g., no file at all). 2010-01-27 Michael Hasselmann Added a test for BGO bug #607938 * tests/import/data/albums.csv: Real-world example data used for the CSV import. * tests/import/utils.[h|cc]: Add the possibility to feed a filename into the ImportTest directly. * tests/import/test_parsing.cc: Test the CSV import of a whole file. 2010-01-27 Michael Hasselmann Added a g_return_if_fail check for invalid URLs * glom/import_csv/csv_parser.cc: Do not start the async reading if the file object is invalid. 2010-01-27 Murray Cumming Use Gtk::ToolPalette from the latest gtkmm version, instead of EggToolPalette (C) from libegg. 2010-01-26 Murray Cumming libglom: Correct includes. * glom/libglom/*.h: Use the full include libglom/ path for headers, to avoid confusion and make life easier for other users of libglom. 2010-01-25 Murray Cumming * glom/libglom/data_structure/numeric_format.h: Remove unnecessary include of privileges.h. 2010-01-25 Murray Cumming Allow new files to have quotes in their titles. * glom/frame_glom.cc: connection_request_password_and_choose_new_database_name(): Remove quotes (and other unusual characters) from the generated database name, to avoid errors from the database backend. Bug #607957 (Michael Hasselmann) 2010-01-24 Michael Hasselmann Fixed out-ouf-bounds access during CSV imports * glom/import_csv/dialog_import_csv.cc (get_field_for_column): Added boundary check for direct field access. Fixes bug #607938. 2010-01-24 Murray Cumming * ldtp/central-info.xml.example: Added an example central-info.xml, as mentioned in the README.