Overview of changes in GLib 2.49.3 ================================== * GLib has a structured logging API, g_log_structured, with support for writing to the systemd journal. It also supports colored output in terminals * Some new GBytes API has been added: - g_key_file_load_from_bytes - g_compute_hmac_for_bytes * Stack-allocated GVariantBuilder and GVariantDict objects can now be initialized with G_VARIANT_BUILDER_INIT and G_VARIANT_DICT_INIT * gio: - Add a way to register handlers for custom uri schemes - Add a G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_FILESYSTEM_REMOTE attribute to have these heuristics in a single place - Include a gio tool that makes the functionality of the various gvfs commandline tools available in a single place - Add portal support to g_app_info_launch_default_for_uri - Add portal support to GNetworkMonitor - Add portal support to GProxyResolver - Add portal support to g_application_send_notification Bugs fixed: 547200 g_utf8_find_next_char() issues 662802 systemtap multiarch issue 723506 fork/exec from non-main thread when autolaunching could be avoided... 725902 build: simplify dtrace configuration 728207 gsocketservice: Documentation does not mention that is already act... 729914 instead of DEBUG_CODE and IF_DEBUG, provide a common macro to supp... 744456 Structured logging API 744678 Unable to delete relocatable schemas 746685 clarify that g_variant_get_data() can be used instead of g_variant... 747134 glib-compile-resources --generate should detect common C++ file ex... 750257 GSettings changed signal should clearly state the order required 753231 Memory is potentially used after free 754012 missing filename in "Error loading css: Failed to import: Error op... 760115 gtestutils: add missing dash in seed argument's --help documentation 760423 gio-querymodules prints error messages as question marks on some l... 761102 Increase performance for main loop 765338 GLib.compute_hmac_for_data throws every time 766370 Add a macro for initializing g_auto(GVariantBuilder) 766899 Superflous HTML/XML comments in GDBusProxyTypeFunc documentation s... 766933 GSocketAddress leaks in gnetworkmonitornetlink.c:read_netlink_mess... 767765 Add names and tags to various GSources and GTasks constructed in GLib 767880 gkeyfile: add g_key_file_load_from_bytes() API 767887 vfs: add g_vfs_register_uri_scheme() 767949 [patch] Typos in glib docs 768029 infinite loop in parse_name_internal() 768119 Fix fallout from get_supported_schemes() changes 768357 Build the gio tool on Windows/MSVC 768498 portal support for glib 768504 keyfile: g_key_file_get_double behavior doesn't follow documentation 768549 Test failure: test_ip_sync_dgram 768551 Test failure: test_socket_address_to_string 768560 gio/tests/gsettings: fix GSettings reference leaks in some tests 768780 O_PATH is a non-standard flag which may be unavailable on non-Lin... 768806 gdbus tool must swallow -- argument Translation updates: Chinese (Taiwan) French Hebrew Indonesian Lithuanian Portuguese Spanish