16-06-2009 Brasero 2.27.3 Changes: - Fix a crash when there is no medium inserted - Fix a crash when there is no error - Display the size that would be used by the data to burn in the combo box - Fix image format retrieval which failed after several images had been selected - Fix bgo #582519 – In nautilus copy disc should have a disc as default target instead of an iso file - Improvements to medium choosing combo - Fix #554201 – Project size graph in stat - Fix #583458 – brasero configure switches only disables options - Fix for #583649 – Wrong translatable strings in burn-job.c - Add NetBSD support to libbrasero-media - Fix #584538 – Make time unit formatting completely translatable - Fix #582059 – Cover editor ignores background image style setting in printout - Fix #581639 – Cover editor shows background images scaled but on printing the images are not. - Remove joliet option from the burn option dialog (except for nautilus extension) and ask the user in the data project if he wants joliet or not - Fix #584538 – Make time unit formatting completely translatable - Added gitignore - Transation Updates Homepage: http://www.gnome.org/projects/brasero Please report bugs to: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/browse.cgi?product=brasero Mailing List for User and Developer discussion: brasero-list@gnome.org GIT Repository: http://git.gnome.org/cgit/brasero/ Thanks to all the people who contributed to this release through patches, translation, advices, artwork, bug reports.